seline; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; line-height: 20px; text-indent: 2em;”>上海大华咨询集团http://dahuacpa.com是大华会计师事务所(原主管单位工程造价咨询甲级资质、全国工程招标代理甲级资质、国家政府采购代理甲级资格,全国房地产估价一级资质、全国建筑工程司法鉴定资格、工程咨询、社会办学等资质的综合性咨询集团,公司拥有各类专业人才170余人,具有工程技术和工程财务的复合性专业优势,旗下拥有上海大华工程造价咨询有限公司、上海大华项目管理咨询有限公司、上海安大华永房地产土地估价有限公司和上海大华进修学校。公司的服务对象包括国家有关部委,上海市、区财力,市重大工程项目,大型国有集团、各大院校、民营企业,上市公司,金融机构,凭借雄厚的技术实力为政府投资项目和市场投资项目提供造价咨询服务,公司在全国公开范围的政府采购中入围中华人民共和国财政部投资评审中介机构名册(全国30家之一)、经上海市财政、审计、发改委、建交委和行业主管部门联合评审入围上海市审计局政府投资建设项目受托资格、入围上海市高级人民法院的建筑工程司法鉴定资格并于2009年度被评为上海市唯一一家全国建筑工程司法鉴定先进集体。多年来公司始终以认真务实、诚信服务,不追求短期的超额利润、走稳定发展之路为企业发展宗旨,赢得了良好的社会声誉,公司连续多年获得上海市行业信誉咨询企业和AAA认证荣誉称号,现为上海市青年见习基地、上海财经大学、上海同济大学毕业生实习基地。在全国工程造价咨询企业营业收入百强排名中持续名列前茅。

seline; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; line-height: 20px; text-indent: 2em;”>立足上海、面向全国,走向世界、争创一流;恪守独立、客观、公正的原则;坚持认真、诚恳、诚信、谦逊的工作作风,竭诚为客户服务。

seline; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; line-height: 16px; text-indent: 0em; background-image: url("../Images/gsjj_03.gif"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right bottom;”>Shanghai Da Hua Consultant Group is established with combination of Da Hua accounting firm (originally managed by Shanghai University of Finance & Economics) and Ernst & Young accounting firm and system reform of former cost and consulting department in Da Hua accounting firm. Our group includes Shanghai Da Hua Construction Cost Consultant Co.,Ltd, Shanghai Dahua Project Management Consultant Co.,Ltd, Shanghai An Da Hua Yong Real Estate Appraisal Consultant Co.,Ltd and Shanghai Dahua School of Professional and Continuing Education, having first-class qualification of national construction cost consulting, national construction bidding agency, national agency of government purchase, national real estate appraisal, national qualification of judicial verification and consulting for building construction; Our company has been nominated in financial investment assessment organization catalog(30 nationally, 2 in Shanghai)and entrusting qualification for municipal auditing bureau invested projects with the recommendations from bureaus and authorities; through out the years, our company has offered technical support for judicial bureau and supreme court and was granted national advanced collectives for construction judicial verification; also our company has provided construction consulting financial supervising services and entered government financial purchase catalog; our company has been honored of shanghai credit consulting enterprise and AAA authentication in many successive years and is one of the top 100 national construction cost consulting company in business income.

seline; margin: 0px auto; padding: 0px; line-height: 16px; text-indent: 0em; background-image: url("../Images/gsjj_03.gif"); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right bottom;”>We are a Shanghai-based company with a global perspective, serving China and doing best. We adopt the principle of independence, objectivity and impartiality. We keep up our good style of work as earnestness, sincerity, honesty and modesty and offer our clients best service.
